The purpose of this area is to provide several complementary insights and tips for creating and organising your remote workspace, identifying at the same time the best communication methods and tools to create and consolidate good relationships with your colleagues or customers and to adapt everyday routines and habits to make working from home a success.
Two Truths and One Lie
Use this exercise at the beginning of the area, as an icebreaker. The goal of an icebreaker exercise is to help people feel more comfortable and connected with each other, particularly in group settings where individuals may not know each other well or at all. This exercise is designed to break down social barriers, create a positive and relaxed atmosphere, and encourage interaction and communication between participants.
Number of participants and duration
While this ice-break can accommodate any number of participants, it is particularly effective with groups of 10 to 20 people.
The exercise typically lasts between 10 to 15 minutes.
Description for the participants
“We’re going to engage in a fun activity that will help you to get to know each other better! We’ll work in the following steps:
Step 1: I will start by sharing three statements about myself. Remember, two of them are true, and one is false. Here they are (Please prepare your own statements, 2 that are true, 1 that is false. The following three statements are just for an inspiration):
• I have been teaching for 10 years
• I have a dog called “Rocky”
• I like pop music
Step 2: Now, it’s your turn to ask me “lie detector” questions to gather more information and figure out which statement is false. For example:
• Teaching: Where have you taught? What have you taught? What year did you start?
• Pet: How old is Rocky? What does Rocky eat? Where do you keep Rocky?
• Pop music: Who is your favourite singer? What’s the last concert you went to?
Step 3: Once you have enough information, take a vote within your group to determine which statement you think is the lie.
Step 4: Now, I want you to split into small groups of 3 to 4 people. Each person in the group should share two true statements and one false statement about themselves. The others in the group will ask questions and vote on which statement they believe is the lie.
Step 5: Finally, I would like each group to introduce themselves and share their findings with the larger group. Tell us about the statements and which ones you identified as the lies.
For this activity, you will be provided a flipchart and a marker pen.”
Recommended training methods
Learning outcomes
• Participants are introduced in a pleasant and engaging way.
• A more relaxed and pleasant environment, which increases participants’ engagement and participation in subsequent activities.
• Better communication between participants, as they have the opportunity to share their thoughts and ideas in a friendly environment.
• Enhanced collaboration and teamwork by creating a sense of trust and openness between participants.
Work Etiquette in the Remote Working Era
The purpose of the introduction to the topic of Work Etiquette in the Remote Working Era in this Guide for Coaches is to clarify the key concepts for the participants and to highlight the most important daily routines and habits for remote working.
Number of participants and duration
You can work with up to 10 – 20 participants.
The introduction can take about 70 minutes, depending on the number of participants.
Description for the participants
“For this area, we’re going to discuss some key concepts and fundamentals related to Work Etiquette in the Remote Working Era. We’ll also explore the Kanban method and the Pomodoro technique.
First, let’s address the following questions together:
• How would you define remote work etiquette?
• Can you mention any method or technique that facilitates the organisation of work and collaboration when working remotely?
• What are the most important daily routines and habits for working remotely?
Now, I want you to form small groups of 3-5 people. In your groups, I’d like each member to discuss and elaborate on these questions. Share your insights, experiences, and ideas with one another.
Once you have had a thorough discussion, I encourage each group to present and discuss their findings to the larger group.”
(You proceed to present the key concepts ,fundamentals and Kanban method and Pomodoro technique .
Recommended training methods
After presenting the Introduction, the coach can divide the participants into groups of 3-5 people, giving them a cardboard, post-it notes and markers. The purpose of the exercise is to create a Kanban board. Each group has to come up with a project, define the workflow stages and divide the project into tasks by placing which stage they are in. For this exercise, you will need one piece of cardboard per group, post-it notes of different colours and markers.
To finish the session, the coach can use the following questions:
• What benefits do you see in using the Kanban method?
• How did the Kanban method help you to identify areas for improvement in your workflow?
• What challenges did you encounter when implementing the Kanban method, and how did you overcome them?
Learning outcomes
• Understanding the key concepts related to working etiquette in the era of remote working.
• Understanding the importance of adopting certain routines and habits to organise the day and enhance cooperation.
• Understanding these routines and habits and the ways in which participants can implement them.
Case Study
Video conferencing meeting good etiquette
The purpose of this case study is to communicate the video conferencing meeting etiquette.
Good video conferencing etiquette is essential for effective and professional communication in the online modern workplace. By communicating and practising good etiquette, participants can ensure that their meetings are productive, respectful, and collaborative.
Moreover, by following video conferencing etiquette, participants demonstrate professionalism, value each other’s time and attention, enhance cooperation among themselves and generally create a positive impression and atmosphere.
Number of participants and duration
You can work with up to 10 participants.
This exercise takes approximately 60 minutes.
Description for the participants
“For this area, first, I want to divide you into groups of 5. Each group will be given a specific scenario for your 1st videoconference. The scenarios can vary, such as a meeting with a client, an internal team meeting, an online interview, and so on. You will have approximately 15 minutes to create a checklist of things to prepare for that video conference.
To assist you in this activity, please grab a piece of paper and some markers for your group.
Once the time is up, each team will choose a representative to share their checklist with the other groups. We will then have a discussion where you can compare and discuss the different checklists.
For the final stage of this session, we’ll be conducting a role play. I will divide you into groups of 3 and assign you to different rooms. Your task is to prepare yourselves and your environment for an online meeting based on the checklist you’ve created earlier. Then, conduct the online meeting among yourselves. You will have approximately 15 minutes to complete this role play.”
(To facilitate this exercise, each participant will be provided with a laptop already equipped with a downloaded video conferencing tool and an arranged online meeting or participants will be asked to bring their own laptops to the training).
Recommended training methods
To finish the session, the coach can use the following questions:
• What are some common mistakes you noticed during the exercise, and how can they be avoided in real video conferencing meetings?
• How did you apply the good etiquette practices that you learned to the exercise?
• What are some strategies you used to keep participants engaged and focused?
Learning outcomes
• Understanding the importance of following a good etiquette while attending a video conference.
• Understanding the Do’s and Don’ts.
• Understanding the rules of a video conferencing meeting.
Good Practice
Clockify – a time tracking tool
The purpose of this good practice is to present participants Clockify, a time management tool.
Effective time management can lead to reduced stress, better work-life balance, and improved job performance. By adopting good time management practices, individuals can make the most of their available time, accomplish their goals, and ultimately achieve success in both their personal and professional lives.
Number of participants and duration
You can work with up to 20 participants.
This exercise can take approximately 45 minutes.
Description for the participants
“I will present an online time management tool as a good practice of Work Etiquette in the Remote Working Era. Please give me your full attention as I read it out loud. After the presentation, we will proceed with an activity to help you become familiar with the online tool.”
(You proceed to present the good practice to the participants)
“Now that you have a good understanding of the practice, it’s time to get hands-on experience with the online tool. Please follow the instructions below:
• Open the online tool by clicking on the provided link.
• Once entered the platform, register with your own credentials to create your account.
• Take some time to navigate through the tool and familiarise yourself with its features and functionalities.
Remember, the purpose of this activity is to help you become comfortable and knowledgeable about using the online tool. Feel free to explore and experiment with its various features.”
Recommended training methods
After navigating the tool, participants could be asked to rate from 1 to 10 how useful they think it would be in their daily work. Finally, ask them to justify their rating.
To finish the session, the coach can use the following questions:
• What specific features of the tool did you find most useful?
• Did the tool help you identify areas where you could improve your time management skills?
• Did you find the tool easy to integrate into your daily routine?
Learning outcomes
• Understanding the importance of time management.
• Familiarising participants with a well-known time management tool.
• Applying the knowledge and skills acquired from the tool to daily work tasks.
Gerolymos Zontos, Co-Founder & CEO of Best Cybernetics, Greece
The purpose of this interview is to gain insights and advice from an experienced leader on how to navigate the challenges of remote work and maintain a productive and professional work environment.
Number of participants and duration
You can work with 20 participants.
This exercise can take approximately 60 minutes.
Description for the participants
“We’re going to start this session with an engaging role play activity. First, I want to divide you into groups of 2. Each group will conduct an interview using the same set of interview questions from an interview that has already been conducted. One participant will assume the role of the interviewer, while the other will take on the role of the interviewee. The interviewee will portray the co-founder and CEO of an ICT company.
During the interview, make sure to ask the questions and respond accordingly based on your respective roles.
Once the interviews are completed, I will provide each group with the initial CEO .”
(Choose one participant to read the interview questions and another participant to read the answers.)
Recommended training methods
To finish the session, the coach can use the following questions:
• Discuss and compare your answers with the interview you read.
• What are the common key rules regarding remote work that you have observed? Did you mention other rules in your interview?
Learning outcomes
• Identifying challenges and describing strategies for maintaining appropriate workplace etiquette and communication protocols in a virtual workplace.
• Valuable information and best practices for individuals and organisations adapting to the new remote work reality.
Workspace Preparation
The aim of this activity is to help participants create a working environment that supports productivity, creativity and overall well-being in remote working. Specifically, the goal is to help remote workers create a physical workplace that is comfortable, organised, and free of distractions that fosters focused work, such as setting goals and priorities, minimising stress, and maintaining a positive attitude.
Number of participants and duration
You can work with up to 20 participants.
This exercise can take approximately 70 minutes.
Description for the participants
“For this area, our activity includes creating a task list to prepare your remote workspace. For this activity, we will be using images and cards to represent each task. These tasks can include setting up a comfortable chair, arranging your desk, adding a plant, and more. Your goal will be to rate each task based on its difficulty and importance to creating a productive workspace.
I will share the list of tasks with you, along with the corresponding images or cards. Take a moment to carefully review each task and make your own assessment of its difficulty and importance. You can use a 5-star rating system, with 5 stars indicating high difficulty or importance, and 1 star indicating low difficulty or importance.
Once you have rated each task, we will gather the results and have a discussion about them.
Now, I will share the list of tasks, and I encourage you to rate each one individually. Take your time to consider the difficulty and importance of each task based on your own experiences and preferences.
Afterward, we will discuss the results as a group and exchange thoughts on why certain tasks were perceived as more difficult or important than others.”
Recommended training methods
To finish the session, the coach can use the following questions:
• What were some of the most important takeaways on remote workspace preparation?
• Did you learn any new tips or strategies for setting up a remote workspace that you hadn’t considered before?
Learning outcomes
• Understanding the importance of creating an organised and distraction-free workspace when working remotely.
• Identifying ways to prepare the workplace.
The purpose of the Assessment is to evaluate to which extent participants learned about Psychology and positive thinking during the exploration of the resources of this area.
Number of participants and duration
You can work with up to 16 participants.
This exercise can take approximately 90 minutes.
Description for the participants
“Welcome to this individual self-assessment where you will test your knowledge.”
(Ask participants to go to the platform and find the assessment, or share the assessment questions with the participants through your computer ).
“Carefully read each question/exercise and answer/complete it accordingly and correctly. Do not worry if you are not sure about an answer. Just pick the answer that seems the most plausible to you.
You can take as much time as you need for this assessment. There is no time limit. When you are done, please submit your answers and check the results.
Good luck!”
Recommended training methods
After all participants answer the self-assessment, the coach can read each question aloud and ask specific participants to say their answers and explain why they gave those answers.
Previously to the discussion, as an option, the coach can ask participants to pair and check with each other if they gave the same answers to the questions, to promote reflection about them.
Learning outcomes
• Identifying how to adopt positive thinking in daily work-life.
• Explaining the importance of positive thinking at work.
• Assessing own level of level of competences regarding positive thinking.
Additional resources
Working Effectively from Home: Remote Work Etiquette by Intellezy Learning |
Working from Home: 10 Tips to Stay Motivated and Productive by CareerAddict |
Work from Home Routine Tips: How to Be Productive & Successful at Your Remote Job by Indeed |
12 Video Conference Meeting Etiquette Rules You Need To Know by Achieving Excellence – Level Up Your Life |
Working from Home: How to Set Up Your Workspace by Thomas Frank |