During past two years, partners worked on different activities to implement project objectives, gathering the expertise of the project partners themselves, stakeholders, experts and policy makers. The following four different results linked to one another were developed within the project lifetime:
Work4Future Training Framework Abstract presents the main parameters and methodology used for the Work4future Training Framework coverage definition. Based on the conducted research and surveys, the Work4Future Training Framework provides the basis for implementation and skeleton of the learning areas, instructions for minimum requirements and the necessary e-collaboration tools and manuals needed: Guide on Team Management & Guide for Coaches, main results of the project. Work4Future Training Framework serves as a roadmap for the development of the Work4Future training course methodology. You can request a full version of the Framework from the local Work4Future partner organisation. Please consider the Framework and this project result 1 document are available only in English.
Guide on Team Management gathering six different kinds of tools as follows:
• Tool to enhance the new era of working / smart distant workplace and virtual meetings, while staying connected and motivated within the team.
• Tool that provides insights into the topic of positive psychology, practical examples, interviews with professionals, storytelling to support inspiration of trainees.
• Tool that provides several concepts on how to interact within the virtual age.
• Tool that provides work etiquette insights in the remote working era with hints and hacks on how to overcome social isolation and find the right work/life ratio.
• Tool that provides most recent strategies in the people management, incl. team building
• Tool with practical exercises for team spirit enhancement
The Guide for Coaches is a guidebook for coaches who are the main target group for this project result 3. It provides methodological instructions on how to deliver the Work4Future training, how to interact with the trainees themselves and how to support the trainees to use the tools on the platform. It helps the coaches to train the trainees in such a way that they will be able to use the Guide on Team Management, the Work4Future Platform and training tools independently and in the most effective and efficient way. The trainees can be the employees, HR experts and managers in micro & SMEs. The Guide for Coaches was developed based on the methodology created in the Training Framework as well as on the structure of the tools in the Guide on Team Management itself.
Online Platform is an interactive repository which hosts all Work4Future project outcomes. Work4Future project aims at provision of open and innovative training practices in a digital era via development of learning materials and digital tools supporting upskilling.
The project target groups are trainers and educators as well as employees of companies working and interacting in a common digital learning environment.
Online Platform
Grant Agreement n° 2021-1-FR01-KA220-VET-000034714
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.Copyrights @2023 | Work4Future| All Rights Reserved | Developed by Best Cybernetics